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Tidewater Transportation and Terminals cares about your safety and is committed to helping the public recognize and report a pipeline emergency.
Tidewater operates five petroleum pipelines in Umatilla, OR and Pasco, WA. We monitor our pipelines 24 hours a day, and we operate our pipelines utilizing safe operations. Our employees are well-trained, and we conduct regular testing and pipeline right-of-way surveillance.
According to the National Transportation Safety Board, pipelines are the safest mode of fuel transportation, both for the public and the environment. Although pipeline leaks are rare, they can be dangerous. They require caution and immediate action.
To help protect your family or your employees and the people, property and environment in your community:
Know the area where pipelines are located and find the exact location of pipelines near your home or office by looking for pipeline markers. Write down the operator’s name and emergency phone number.
Always Call Before You Dig! Call 811 at least two working days before you dig for any reason. This One-Call service is free and coordinates with local utilities to mark the location of underground utility lines including pipelines.
Watch, listen & smell for signs of a leak (see below)! If you see, hear, or smell signs of a pipeline leak, immediately leave the area, warn others to stay away, and call 911.
A strange or pungent odor near the pipeline.
A hissing or roaring sound (caused by escaping gasoline or diesel fuel).
A patch of dead vegetation, liquid on the ground near the pipeline, dirt being blown into the air or fire.
Continuous bubbling in wet, flooded areas, or marshlands.
If you would like additional information regarding our operations, product transported, or any other information, please contact Tidewater at the address and phone number below:
Tidewater Terminal Company
671 Tank Farm Road
Pasco, WA 99301
(509) 547-7701
Tidewater wants you to be aware of our pipelines, and we ask for your help in preventing accidental damage to our pipelines. Tidewater supports the Nation’s Homeland Security efforts, and we encourage you to immediately notify and report any suspicious persons and/or activities near pipelines to your local law enforcement authorities by calling 911.
For more information on pipeline details and exact locations, please refer to the National Pipeline Mapping System at:
For Additional Pipeline Safety Resources:
811 PSA Video
Kids, Call Before You Dig! Video
Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS)
Association of Oil Pipelines (AOPL)

Before digging, please contact
811 for assistance.
If there is an EMERGENCY,
please contact 911.
If able, please call Tidewater's
24-Hour Emergency Number:

Pipeline markers come in various shapes and sizes, but please familiarize yourself with the example in the photo above.
Pipeline markers are located along the pipeline route and identify the general location but not the exact location of the pipeline.
The markers also display the company operating the pipeline, an emergency phone number, as well as what type of product is being transported in the pipeline.
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